Dear learner,

I must warn you that I’m a storyteller and this part is quite a reading.

If you would like to get quick access to the offer, let me show you some shortcuts:

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Go to the bottom of this page to see courses offer with prices

However, If you’d like to take the longer way, make yourself a coffee and scroll down.

Here are a few words of introduction:

I work with people with different motivations. Some of them need polish to write their PHD in history of art. Some of them want to talk to their wife’s relatives. Some want to pick girls in the pubs, and some just want to be able to make a life, do their shopping, go to the doctor and make a small talk at work. All of them are 100% valid.

YOU are the boss. Before we start our sessions, I’m gonna invite you for an online coffee. During this meeting we will discuss what motivates you, in which topics would you like to be fluent, and how much time can you devote to that. The whole process and program will be adjusted to you and your individual needs.

We will focus on speaking and communication skills. I’m very happy if you know all the polish cases and theory, but can you use it in conversation? No? We will work on that. During each session you get the bunch of structures that you actually CAN use right away. All the practice happens during our meetings. You leave the session ready to talk.

As long as it is not one of your needs, we are not going to fill the grammar exercises together. If you have time for additional practice in your free time, I will provide you with it, but during the class I teach new grammar and structures through conversation. It’s in agreement with the neuroscientific approach of learning a foreign language.

You will learn the language that is actually being spoken in real life. What you need is probably a bit of slang and informal phrases, so you can understand the conversations of your friends. I will walk you through the most common expressions and words that we use on a daily basis. Some of them can be easily used even on A1 level.

The key to successful learning a foreign language is not the amount of hours you spend over a boring coursebook. It’s a well-planned process followed by brain-friendly methods. I will provide you with that. What you have to do is to prepare your favorite coffee and go with the flow. You’ll be surprised about the progress you’re making. 

People talk, right? Let’s see what do they say about our sessions.

Now, once you already know what others say, I will tell you something about me. 

By education, I’m a graduate of two faculties at oriental studies department: Indology and Turkology at the Jagiellonian University. Apart from that, I’ve completed postgraduate studies in humanitarian aid at the University of Warsaw. Last but not least, I’ve happily finished postgraduate studies in teaching Polish as a foreign and second language at the Pedagogical University of Kraków. 

I’m currently in the process of becoming Neurolanguage Coach®, accredited by the International Coaching Federation. Long story short: Neurolanguage Coaching® is a brain-friendly language teaching that is based on neuroscience (knowing how the brain reacts and learns under different circumstances).

My specialization is international clients at beginner levels, but I also work with Slavs and advanced people, only adults. I create my own teaching materials. Apart from that, I conduct online trainings for Polish teachers. I help them to work on, among others, effective communication with international clients.

Apart from teaching, I work as a freelance journalist, writing mostly about migration and social inequalities. I strongly believe that words have power and the language we use may change the world.

I’ve completed investigative journalism course organized by the Central European University and I was also a participant of Media. Minorities. Migration program for reporters organized by Minority Rights Group. During the last few years I was publishing correspondence from Greek refugee camps and I participated in a cross-border journalistic project focusing on the situation of Afghans evacuated to EU countries. I received a grant from the Center for Civic Education (CEO), thanks to which I could look at the situation of migrants in Berlin and several German refugee camps. My texts can be found in different Polish media outlets, for example Nowa Europa Wschodnia, Krytyka Polityczna, Kontakt Magazine or Currently, I write for Salam Lab, Laboratory of Peace, which is an association based in Kraków.

In my free time, I hitchhike the world. In Nigeria I volunteered at a children’s oratory. In Nepal I was climbing mountains admiring Annapurna. I studied oriental literature in Turkey, crossed India from south to north with a backpack, and wandered through Turkish Kurdistan as a passenger of a truck smuggling cigarettes from Iran. Since I turn 18, I’m spending my time travelling, meeting people and listening to their stories. 

Apart from that, I read tons of books, eat tons of pasta and spend my free weekends in our Polish Tatra mountains. I love baking all kinds of cakes while listening to the Beatles and enjoying little moments.

Are you curious about the offer?

Individual course
online, 60 minutes

It can be standard course (I teach all levels from A0 to C1), conversations, focus on particular topics or just a revision, if you had a longer break from Polish. I will adjust the plan and materials to your individual needs – we will set up your language goals together. 

130 zł / 60 min

Individual preparation for B1 exam
online, 60 minutes

Before the exam, you need to learn how to deal with the structure. As a member of the examination committee I know what is important in the process. We will work on sample tests and talk about tips on what to do, to get as many points as possible.

150 zł per hour/ 60 min

*You can bring a friend or partner for any of the courses and study in duo. The price will raise 20 zł per hour.

** Before we start our sessions, I will invite you for an online coffee. We will discuss your motivations and language goals, in order to prepare a detailed plan.


Looking for group courses to prepare for the B1 State Exam? please look here.


Dear learner,

Now it’s time for you to decide. If you think that we may vibe – don’t hesitate to contact me. If you are looking for something different – no hard feelings. I wish you good look in your journey with Polish language.

All the best,
